Uiam Lake (Near Chuncheon)

Water from Soyang and Chuncheon Reservoirs flow into Uiam Lake, which is near the city of Chuncheon (home of the new Lego Land). Uiam is a relatively large body of water that is situated near a major urban area and is starting to develop a bass fishing culture. Some local angling clubs have started hosting tournaments on Uiam. Not a lot is known about the size of the bass population, but because it is urban- there are a minimal amount of harvesting nets. Nearby Chuncheon lake has many. You will have observers who might try to talk to you while fishing. In my opinion Uiam holds potential and is often overlooked- it is worth checking out if you are in the area. Watch out for the local paddling team as well as jet skis and water skiers.

Along the rocky shore you will find a HUGE population of bluegill. Mixed in with the gills are juvenile bass. I have observed the fishing is more consistent toward the lower half of the lake. However- I believe the bigger bass tend to be in the top half near the Chuncheon bridge. Every day there is a discharge of water that flows from the Soyang Reservoir to the Soyang River and into Uiam Lake. This water is quite cold year round as Soyang is a very deep reservoir. Uiam is definitely a junk fishing lake. I have never experienced a definite pattern. It has always been a little of this and a little of that. One of my most memorable evenings was fishing a deer hair mouse- so anything goes!

Map Link- Uiam Lake