Tapjeong Lake

A well visited and famous lake for bass fishing in Korea. In my opinion Tapjeong could hold some of the biggest bass in Korea. This is due to the unique forage that is found in Tapjeong. There is a healthy population of notch mouth chub, a schooling predatory minnow that can grow over a foot. The perfect forage for big bass. Tapjeong has a lot of features. The most notable are the trees and brush that flood in the Spring. You can spend all day back in the trees. During the summer when the water level drops- so does this magical forest, and you are left with a mud flat. The dam side of the bridge that bisects the lake is a mark that indicates no fishing. On one side of the lake you can fish, but on the side with the dam you can not. Which is too bad, because that dam with the rip rap would be very productive. Also look for floating islands of vegetation. These are place for bird habitat, and are great places to throw a top water bait.

I like to fish Tapjeong late fall, especially after the first frost. This is due to the lake being so crowded during the summer and parking is a nightmare. Due to this pressure, smaller finesse style patterns can be more productive. Keep your eye out for feeding frenzies- Tapjeong bass will key in on schools of bait and you will get moments of intense action. There are also invasive species collection vessels, they look like large square boxes where you are supposed to deposit any bluegill or bass you catch. I don’t know how often they are used, but the region has been stepping up its efforts to eliminate black bass in the waterways.

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